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Three Strikes Cases

Three strikes is a sentencing scheme that dramatically increases punishment for people that are repeat offenders. The "Three Strike Law" can mean a third felony offense can send you to prison for a minimum of 25 years. If you have "two strikes" against you, it is possible to spend the rest of your life in prison if convicted of a third felony offense.

A strike may include those convictions committed prior to enactment of the "Three Strike Law," any conviction from other states, all federal convictions and even convictions committed as a juvenile. A "strike" is defined under Three Strikes law as a serious or violent felony. Serious and violent felony convictions are given special definition under the law. Crimes such as residential burglary, assault with a deadly weapon and robbery are examples of "strikes" within the meaning of the Three Strikes law.

A lawyer must aggressively evaluate the evidence in a Three Strikes case to determine as early as possible whether to prepare a defense for trial or to negotiate a plea bargain with the prosecutor or the judge for canceling or 'striking' a strike.

After evaluating the evidence, the lawyer must also research the prior strike convictions to determine if there is a basis for attacking their validity. The stakes of a conviction under this law can potentially result in a life prison sentence. It is important to shop for experience, and not for price when the stakes are so high.

What makes the law so controversial – and presents such a peril to those convicted under the law – is that the second felony doesn’t even have to be what’s considered a strikeable offense. And for someone with two strikes who is convicted of a third felony (again, not necessarily a strikeable offense), the punishment can be 25 years to life.

If you or someone you care about has been charged with a felony, and has a prior criminal record, it is critical to consult with a skilled criminal defense attorney right away. Call The Sheena Law Firm today to discuss your case.

Danny M. Sheena, P.E.

The Sheena Law Firm
2500 West Loop South, Suite 518
Houston, Texas 77027
(713) 224-6508 - Office
(713) 225-1560 - Fax

Email: Danny@Sheenalawfirm.com


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