
Attorney & Counselor at Law |

Reckless Driving

conviction for reckless driving and other
moving violations can likewise affect your
freedom, your driver’s license, your
insurance, and your pocketbook. Reckless driving can be charged as the
result of an automobile accident. Law
enforcement officers sometimes charge the
individual that appears to be at fault in
a serious traffic accident with reckless
driving even though their driving was not
truly reckless. With a skillful advocate on
your side this charge can often be reduced
to a lesser included offense or dismissed.
Reckless driving can also be charged as a
result of excessive speed (i.e., 81
m.p.h. or faster in a 65 mph zone or 20
mph faster than the speed limit in all
other zones). In Texas reckless driving
is considered a criminal offense. It is a
class one misdemeanor which carries
with it the
possibility of up to one year in jail, loss
of privilege to drive, and fines up to
As a
practical matter most people convicted of
reckless driving do not go to jail, however,
some Judges begin to impose jail time at
speeds of 90 m.p.h. or greater.
It is
very important to hire a lawyer to represent
you if you have been charged with reckless
driving in Texas. A lawyer can help you
avoid the potentially harsh consequences of
a reckless driving conviction. In addition,
as a practical matter, many Courts will not
require the appearance of out of state
defendants for a reckless driving ticket
if they are represented by a lawyer and have
given that attorney a copy of their driving
Here are some important facts to know about
reckless driving and racing charges:
Criminal Offense:
Reckless driving and racing are both
crimes in Texas. They are called
“gross-misdemeanors” and punishable
from 0-365 days in jail and a fine of
License Suspension: If
convicted, both reckless driving and
racing convictions lead to an automatic
license suspension of 30 days. This
suspension will take place at a minimum
of 45 days after sentencing.
SR-22 Insurance: If
your license is suspended, you will need
to have SR-22 insurance for 3 years.
This insurance is often much more
expensive than your current insurance.
Immigration: If you are
not a United States citizen and are
convicted of reckless driving, believe
it or not, you could be deported from
the United States. For people who are
not U.S. citizens, reckless driving
offenses may have very serious
immigration consequences.
you may have thought was a simple speeding
ticket might involve your liberty, ability
to drive in this state and your home state,
and your pocket book.
If you are
arrested for running a red light, failure to
yield or another traffic violation that
contributes to an auto accident, the legal
and financial impacts can be severe. Many
of these negative results can be avoided or
minimized if you seek competent legal
counsel before you appear in court.
Our knowledge of
defenses, sentencing guidelines, and
alternative sentencing options will be vital
to obtaining the best outcome under the law
and facts of your case.
Attorney Danny
Sheena can help:
Advising you and
keeping you updated at all times on your
case status
Arguing for lower bail
Representing you at a DMV
license revocation hearing
to present evidence (depending on the
facts) that your license should not be
Investigating your case and
gathering evidence
supporting your defenses
Making court motions.
These can include a motion to suppress
the evidence, which if successful can
result in your case being dismissed
Evaluating all legal defenses
available in your case. Depending on the
facts, these can include mistakes and
inaccuracies by the arresting officer,
evidence that you were not driving,
improper stop and arrest, and other
Seeking reduction of charges
(when available)
Representing you at trial or in
a plea bargain. In most
misdemeanor cases, you will not have to
come to court
Presenting the best legal
defenses for your case
Seeking alternative sentencing,
or the lowest sentence available.
Alternative sentences (available in some
cases) can include drug or alcohol
rehabilitation programs, community
service, and other sentences
If you or someone in your family has been
arrested for reckless driving
The Sheena Law Firm today about your case.
Danny M. Sheena, P.E. |
The Sheena Law Firm |
2500 West Loop South, Suite 518 |
Houston, Texas 77027 |
(713) 224-6508 - Office |
(713) 225-1560 - Fax |