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Professional License Consequences of a

In addition to direct criminal consequences
such as fines, jail time, a prison sentence
or probation,
misdemeanor or felony criminal conviction
may also result in other practical
ramifications that are sometimes called
"collateral consequences". The
collateral consequences of a criminal
conviction are not sanctions that are
imposed by a judge or the sentencing court,
but are simply unfavorable results stemming
from the criminal conviction. Collateral
consequences vary widely depending on the
type of crime involved and circumstances of
a case.
Examples of collateral consequences include:
Administrative driver license suspension
or revocation
Adverse educational or school
employment consequences including
suspensions and job loss
Denial of
professional or occupational license
Deportation or exclusion of non-citizens
and related immigration concerns
Disciplinary proceedings including
suspension and expulsion hearings
Loss of
civil rights including the right to vote
Loss of
educational opportunities
or student financial aid
of government contract work debarment,
and security clearance
Loss of
right to possess firearms
Revocation or suspension of a
professional or occupational license
honor code violations
conviction for any drug offense. The judge
shall send a copy of Defendant’s conviction
to any board or office where Defendant has a
license to engage in a profession or to
carry on a business. At the judge’s
discretion the judge may suspend or revoke
said license. A person may be denied state
employment, a license, permit or certificate
to engage in an occupation by reason of the
prior, felony or misdemeanor if the offense
has a relationship to the employment
license, permit or certificate.
Certain types
of arrests or subsequent criminal
convictions can affect a person’s ability to
obtain or keep virtually every professional
license that is regulated by the state. Some
professions require that the crime be
related to the duties of the profession
before the license will be affected; others
will be affected based solely upon
conviction. There are many factors at work
in the case of the professional who is
accused of crime; it is critical that the
advice of an attorney be considered, since a
conviction can have ramifications far beyond
the prosecution itself.
A vital
consideration in all our cases is the
determination of the potential collateral
consequences a criminal conviction may have
to our client. At The Sheena Law Firm, we
understand these concerns which may be
available under certain circumstances and
operates to clear criminal arrest
information from a person's record. This
process may apply to most misdemeanors and
minor felony cases, both adult and juvenile
Nurses, Dentists, Veterinarians and other
health care professionals often have
immediate and direct access to narcotics.
Moreover, most health care professionals
(especially Nurses, Dentists and Therapists),
are frontline providers who have significant
contact with sick, elderly and often
emotionally and physically compromised
patients. This contact often extends into a
patient’s home and quite frequently involves
their family and other personal
relationships of interest to the patient.
Access to
financial and other personal information may
be available and therefore an applicant or
licensee’s criminal history and behavior is
considered highly relevant to a licensing
board in determining an individual’s present
character and fitness. Chapter 53 of the
Texas Occupations Code and the Individual
State Board Rules and Regulations are the
guiding statutory authority which frames a
Board’s actions, investigations and
determinations regarding applicants and
licensees with criminal convictions. These
matters are often loaded with highly
complicated legal issues that may not be
fact specific.
because the consequences are high it is best
for a health care license applicant or
licensee to obtain legal representation to
help guide and represent them through the
process of explaining a criminal conviction.
Often times a simple legal showing of
rehabilitation can bypass what would
otherwise be a long and drawn out legal
battle. Furthermore, rehabilitation is best
shown by an advocate and not by the
applicant or licensee since it is their
character that is the issue in question.
Contact The Sheena Law Firm today to discuss
your case.
Danny M. Sheena, P.E. |
The Sheena Law Firm |
2500 West Loop South, Suite 518 |
Houston, Texas 77027 |
(713) 224-6508 - Office |
(713) 225-1560 - Fax |