Probation Violations

If you have
been convicted of an offense and received a
probationary sentence, your probation agent
is given the responsibility of monitoring
your actions within the community. If your
agent feels that you violated the conditions
of your probation, the agent may seek a
warrant for your arrest. After being
arrested and served with the warrant, a
hearing will be held in which your probation
agent will typically ask the court to revoke
your probation and in impose a period of
probation violations can range from being
convicted of subsequent offenses to simply
not following the advice of your probation
Any person convicted of a misdemeanor or
felony case will be placed on either summary
probation (unsupervised) or formal
probation (supervised by a probation
officer) for a period from 1 - 5 years.
These grants of probation carry many terms
and conditions that are required to be
followed exactly as stated.
Essentially completing obligations promised
including paying fines, doing community
service, possibly doing jail time, appearing
for progress reports and filing timely
completions of all requirements, is one of
the most important aspects of finishing your
case. Also, not getting arrested for any
other offense during this period of
probation is extremely important. Violating
any of the above can result in serious
penalties including jail.
If a
defendant is convicted of a crime, the judge
may impose a suspended sentence and place
the defendant on probation. Probation can be
either supervised or unsupervised. Under
supervised probation, a defendant will be
required to periodically meet with a
probation officer. Other requirements are
usually imposed as well such as community
service, payment of fines and restitution,
submit to drug screens, violate no laws, as
well as a wide variety of additional
If a
defendant violates the terms of probation,
they may be required to appear before a
judge who may impose the previously
suspended active sentence and require the
defendant be incarcerated for the previously
determined time period. Defendants who are
being brought before the court on a
probation violation are entitled to have an
attorney represent them. Often, an attorney
may be able to negotiate with the probation
officer, and present information or evidence
to the court to help effectuate the
defendant's wishes.
Upon finding
a probationer guilty of violating a
condition of probation, a sentencing court
probation without punishment for the
the conditions of probation or extend
the period of probation.
probation and sentence the defendant on
the underlying offense.
When you
are placed on probation or community control
you are advised of the conditions of that
supervision. Should you violate those
conditions by intentionally and materially
breaking the rules, you run the risk of
having that probation or community control
violated. A judge will be asked to sign a
warrant for your arrest and you may be kept
in the County Jail pending the results of
the violation hearing without bond. A judge
has the authority to set bond,
but the judge is not required to set a bond.
There are
several reasons that your probation officer
may accuse you of violating your probation.
It may be that you violated by breaking a
“technical” term or condition, or it may be
that you violated by committing a new
crime. In some instances, you may be
accused of both. Of the two, a
“technical” violation is considered the
least serious, and may be subject to lighter
punishment by the court. Examples of
“technical” violations include changing
your residence without prior approval,
failing to pay fines or restitution, or
failing to report for regularly scheduled
visits with your probation officer or for
Violation of
probation proceedings are much different
than a new law offense:
There is
not a statute of limitations for a
violation of probation, meaning that if
you violate your probation you can not
wait out the charge.
You do
not have a right to a trial by jury on a
violation hearing.
burden of proof is by preponderance of
the evidence, rather than beyond a
reasonable doubt.
You can
be called as a witness by the State at
your own hearing.
are defenses to accusations of violation of
probation, and we have successfully defended
clients accused of violating their
We have represented clients facing probation
violations. Contact The Sheena Law Firm
today to discuss your situation.