Out-of-State Defendants

Many out
of state visitors are arrested for DWI or
DUI in Texas every year. Your Texas DWI or
DUI can result in a license suspension in
your home state. We can help you resolve it,
often times without you ever having to
return to Texas for court.
Our office has represented clients from many
states throughout the country.
Most cases of
this nature seem to involve an individual
visiting or passing through Texas who has
received a citation for DWI or DUI, some other
misdemeanor, or low level felony offense. As
a practical matter, it can be very expensive
and inconvenient to the client to return to
Texas to attend court. Under these
circumstances, many courts will authorize
us to appear on behalf of the
client. Of course, this only applies in
those informal hearings which do not
necessitate the client’s personal
If the case is not dismissed and the client
is required to appear, it is usually toward
the end of the case for a change of plea or
sentencing. However, courts of limited
jurisdiction are authorized to accept a
telephonic plea agreement when the defendant
is an out-of-state resident or resides more
than one hundred miles from the court.
Rules of Procedure also authorize courts to
approve a jail sentence to be served by a
defendant in his or her home state through a
notarized letter from the proper law
enforcement authority certifying that the
defendant served the jail time ordered.
The Sheena
Law Firm understands the challenges for
out-of-state parents and it is experienced
and skilled at helping them and protecting
their interests in Texas. Contact us today
to discuss your case.