
Attorney & Counselor at Law |

Firearms & Gun Offenses

We assist
clients charged with criminal possession of
a weapon, including a handgun, or a knife,
possession with intent to use unlawfully,
aggravated discharge of firearms, criminal
sale of firearms, and any other crime
related to firearms or other deadly weapons.
Texas may give high regard to the right of
an individual to own a gun, but that regard
is not without limits.
individuals are prohibited from owning guns
due to previous criminal activities. Certain
types of gun ownership, such as
military-style weapons and silencers are
illegal for anyone to possess. There are
multitudes of other violations that can get
you in trouble. You need an attorney that
understands guns, the rights afforded you by
the Constitution; and federal, as well as
state gun laws.
Many charges
involving gun possession, or other deadly
weapons offenses, arise as Probation
Violations. Defeating the underlying weapons
charge can often resolve the violation of
probation as well. We have had tremendous
success in Grand Jury proceedings as well.
We have
handled many weapons cases, in both state
and federal court. The types of cases we see
frequently involve:
Addict in Possession of
Firearm or Ammunition
Ammunition Manufacturing
Assault Weapons & other
Prohibited Items
Brandishing, Assault &
Questioned Self-Defense Use of Firearms
Concealed Weapons
Dishonorably Discharged
from the Armed Forces in Possession of
Firearm or Ammunition
Federal Firearms
Violations including trigger lock cases
Felon in Possession of
Firearm or Ammunition
Felons in possession
Fugitive in Possession of
Firearm or Ammunition
Illegal Alien in
Possession of Firearm or Ammunition
Illegal Firearms Dealing
Illegal sales
Interstate Transportation
of Firearms
Loaded Firearms
Machine Guns
Machine Guns, Silencers
and other National Firearms Act
Other Prohibited Persons
in Possession of Firearm or Ammunition
Possession in the
Commission of a Violent Crime or
Narcotics Trafficking Offense
Prohibited Assault
Unlawful Discharge of
Unlawful Manufacturing,
Modification or Sale of Firearms
Unlawful Possession
Unlawful Sales of Weapons
Unlicensed Firearm Use
You will need the help of a knowledgeable
qualified attorney for these types of
charges. If you are a felon, have prior
weapons charges or if the firearm it self is
an illegal weapon, (i.e. “sawed off
shotgun”, modified trigger assemblies or
explosive ammunition) the D.A. will
treat this very seriously. Possession of a
firearm can change a regular felony charges
into “strike” violations. The
“three strikes law” has a significant
impact on your probable sentence and may
make the difference between getting some
type of community service or going to state
possession of a weapon during the commission
of any other crime could add up to 10 years
as an enhancement in addition to any
sentence you would receive on the underlying
crime in which a weapon was used. A weapons
possession or enhancement charge,
particularly a firearm, is a very serious
With so
many factors involved, it is important to
have an experienced attorney who understands
New York weapons law on your side. Whether
the weapons charge is part of a larger
prosecution, or by itself, we can help you
find the best defensive strategy for you.
understand every part of a criminal law
matter. We can quickly determine if our
clients’ rights have been violated. If the
evidence against you was obtained through an
unlawful search and seizure, we may be able
to solve your legal difficulties very
quickly. If a full trial is necessary, we
will fight for your rights every step of the
Contact The
Sheena Law Firm today if
you need an experienced and successful
attorney to discuss your case with.
Danny M. Sheena, P.E. |
The Sheena Law Firm |
2500 West Loop South, Suite 518 |
Houston, Texas 77027 |
(713) 224-6508 - Office |
(713) 225-1560 - Fax |