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Alternative Sentencing

Alternative sentencing is a court ordered
judgment other than incarceration and the
Alternative Sentencing Bureau was created to
facilitate the "alternative"
sentencing for qualifying offenders.
Alternative sentencing programs operate to
help communities as well as offer defendants
who make a serious commitment to turn their
life around the opportunity to do so.
Who is Eligible for Alternative
defendants who have not committed the
‘worst' crimes and do not have a
mandatory sentence imposed on them.
Defendants who have not committed
numerous crimes.
Defendants who have not committed a
serious felony, with or without the use
of a weapon.
Defendants who do not pose a risk to
themselves or the community.
Work Release,
Home Incarceration and Non-consecutive
sentences are options in jail sentencing.
Each program is slightly different, but all
three are designed to give individuals an
opportunity to maintain employment while
serving a jail sentence. The programs
must be authorized by the sentencing judge.
The Judge or the Sheriff can place further
restrictions on the participants for each
Each Work
Release and Home Incarceration participant
is required to sign a contract outlining the
rules and regulations of the programs. If
contracts are violated in any way the
participant will be charged institutionally.
If found guilty, the participant may be
removed from the program and the sentencing
judge will be notified.
The Idea Behind Alternative
Sentencing is offenders
are eligible for Sentencing
Services if they are eligible to
receive an Intermediate
punishment based on their class
of offense and prior record
level and they face an
imminent and substantial threat
of imprisonment.
Sentencing Services programs
develop comprehensive,
community-based sentencing plans
for eligible offenders. Plans
include results of assessments
and background investigations,
as well as recommendations for
the judge to consider such as:
Special probation (split
sentence) – short
imprisonment or weekends in
Probation – regular,
intensive or electronic
house arrest
Counseling – drug, alcohol,
mental health, consumer
Volunteer community service
Victim restitution
Employment or vocational
Education – college, high
school or literacy
Structured Residential
Outpatient treatment
Work Release Treatment
Family Treatment
Even in the
case of a conviction or a plea bargain, a
skilled defense attorney tries to obtain
alternatives to jail for their clients.
Alternatives to jail include:
Electronic Monitoring
City Jail
or Drug Rehabilitation
experienced criminal attorney fully explores
each of these alternative sentencing
options, and bases his goals on the
individual facts of each case.
Electronic Monitoring:
Also known as "House Arrest." This
involves wearing an ankle bracelet that
electronically monitors the whereabouts of
the wearer. What most people do not know is
that the wearer can usually go to work or to
school, but must be home at an appointed
Work Release:
This involves working at a site determined
by the Probation Department.
You work during the day, but get to go home
at night to sleep.
Work Furlough:
This allows you to keep your job and go work
and make a living during the day. At night,
however, you sleep in a dormitory-style
facility, and then go to your own work once
again during the day.
City Jail:
Usually costs money, but typically a much
more pleasant experience than jail. Also
known as "private jail."
Alcohol or Drug
Sometimes a DUI or drug related arrest is
merely the symptom of an underlying
addiction issue. For those cases,
rehabilitation is a much more attractive
option than jail. A skilled criminal defense
lawyer will know how to obtain this type of
relief for his clients. The defense attorney
should stress to the prosecution and the
judge that this is a much better solution
than jail, and in cases of addiction, a
superior alternative.
Sober Living:
These are houses, both for men and women,
where all of the residents are sober and
must maintain sobriety to stay in the house.
The structure of each house is different,
but residents are usually required to attend
a 12-Step meeting daily, participate in
house groups, and perform chores. For those
people that are multiple offenders and have
not responded to past attempts at treatment,
this environment may greatly improve the
quality of their life. This can often be
utilized by skilled criminal defense
attorneys to help their client avoid lengthy
jail sentence
Danny Sheena today to start protecting your
Danny M. Sheena, P.E. |
The Sheena Law Firm |
2500 West Loop South, Suite 518 |
Houston, Texas 77027 |
(713) 224-6508 - Office |
(713) 225-1560 - Fax |